Film Poster Analysis

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1. What do you think the film is about?, What might the storyline be?

- Blade Runner: Saving a futuristic, dystopian earth. 

Why- As seen on the poster there is a flying car,  and skyscrapers that look nothing like those on earth.

- Scary Movie 2:  A group of friends accidentally  getting involved in ghostly , haunting activities.

Why- There are a group of people that look around the same age that seem to be in a movie theatre, the girl to the hard right of the photo is wearing a shirt that says "I love dead people", so I assume it's going to be a movie that consists of ghostly activity. 

-Uzak: Life movie, following the life of the protagonist.

Why-  The only person seen on the poster is this dark man on top of a snowy mountain, as he's the only living thing we see throughout the poster I predict he is important to the storyline.

-I'm not sacred: A kid who's lost something and tries to retrieve it , he goes down the hole to find some unforgiving sights.

Why-At first the poster loks innocent due to the child and the saturated colours that pop out at the audience at first, however if we look at the child's facial expressions he looks dumbfounded at what he saw. The hole is also completely devoid of any colour conveying to me that the child is going to find something dark down there- something a child such as himself shouldn't witness.

- Sin City: A group of degenerate people who go about committing unmoral things against others, following each of these people individually.

Why- As all the people in the photo's facial expressions are serious and almost all of the have some type of violent weapon in their hands. Also the fact that the name of the city is "Sin" suggests that the characters in the movie are going to commit unholy acts.

- Pirates of the Caribbean; Dead Man's Chest: A pirate and his crew go on an adventure to sea.

Why- On the poster there is clearly a Pirate and two other people behind him. The movie's name itself suggests an adventure is afoot.

- Bride and Prejudice: A parody on Pride and Prejudice.

Why- It has a very similar name

- Million Dollar Baby: The hardships of a female boxer and her career.

Why- The dark shadow on her face conveying hardship as well as the serious expression on her face.

2. What genre(s) do you think the film belongs to?

- Blade Runner: Action/Scifi/Dystopian

Why- With the sue of the flying car and the animated faces and beads of sweat on the man portrays an clear action/ dystopian based movie.

- Scary Movie 2: Spoof/Comedy/Parody/Horror

Why- It i clear that that movie is a parody reference to the original Scream movie, yet the use of the priest in the background suggests that  there are gong to be some horror or spooky elements.

-Uzak: Historical Fiction

Why- As there is only one person found throughout the poster , it may be a movie set in a specific time portraying the life of somebody who lived in that timeline.

-I'm not sacred: Phychological horror/mystery

Why- The misdirection of the use of the child depicts that the movie is going to be something unexpected and the use of horror and mystery can confound the mind.

-Sin city: Action

Why- One woman is holding a sword up in the air, pointing downwards and three other people are pointing guns seemingly- due to their facial expressions -towards someone.

- Pirates of the Caribbean; Dead Man's Chest: Action/Fantasy

Why- The movie name Dead Mans Chest suggests adventure and action as it suggest that the characters have to go off somewhere to find what they're looking for. As well as the bottom of the poster with the sinking ship.

- Bride and Prejudice: Bollywood/Comedy

Why- The cast on he poster seem to all be South Asian, the all look like they're quite joyful due to the smiles of their faces. 

- Million Dollar Baby: Sport

Why- Due to her costume- sports bar and braided hair.

3. Who do you think the target audience is?

- Blade Runner: Older teenagers/Adults

Why- Due to the props used such a the gun in the mans hand and the woman with the cig in her hand.

- Scary Movie 2: Older teenagers/ young adults

Why-The comedy and spoof aspect to the poster suggests that it may even have some references that only older teenagers/ young adults would get and find funny

-Uzak: Adults

Why- The eerie and somewhat boring look of the movie suggests it may end up being philisophical and a movie lie that it in need of an active thinking brain - something that adults have and younger people usually don't.

-I'm not sacred: Teenagers/young  adults

Why- I assume there may be some hard to watch scenes within this movie even though the poster looks quite deceiving. And therefore young adults will enjoy it and understand it as well as teenagers.

-Sin city: Adult

 Why-The lighting on the poster- which is dark and eerie, devoid of any colour- suggests that the themes withing the movie are mature. 

- Pirates of the Caribbean; Dead Man's Chest: All ages

Why- It seems like a family friendly film as I assume it may not have a very complex storyline.

- Bride and Prejudice: Older teenagers

Why- It seems like a comedy due to the saturated colours of the costume as well as the background of the posters. It is also a Bollywood movie that seems to contain some romance which mostly teenagers would engage with.

- Million Dollar Baby: Adults

Why- The woman at the front of the poster is wearing a sports bra, showing off her back muscles. She also has one singular braid going down her back. This use of costume suggests that she may be a boxer in the movie as the outfit is something mos women wear for sport , especially contact sport. The lighting that shows off her back muscles but the shadow on her face suggests that she may need to build confidence in her sport in the movie. the slow build up of narrative within a movie is usually something that is reserved for adults and generally older people and now a days sports movies let alone female protagonists of them are mostly watched by adults.



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